Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici

Located in the heart of the Pyrenees and as its name indicates "Aigüestortes", it is one of the natural areas with more than 200 glacial lakes and mountain streams in this mountain range.

On this page you will find what to do and what to see in the National Park of Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici as well as the most relevant species of fauna and flora and the hotels, campsites, apartments and other accommodation recommended by us.

It has a good availability of itineraries, trails and routes of great hiking tradition both to cross it from head to toe, and to reach the most emblematic peaks. It has a good network of Refuges in the heart of the park and very good accommodation in the adjacent towns.

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Lorem ipsum dolor ist amte, consectetuer adipiscing eilt. Aenean commodo ligula egget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quak felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quid, sem.

Casa del Parc – Oficina Administrativa

Ca de Simamet
C/ de les Graieres, 2
25528 Boí

Tel.: 973 69 61 89
Fax: 973 69 61 54

Adreça electrònica: i


Casa del Parc d’Espot

C/ Sant Maurici, 5 · 25597 Espot (Pallars Sobirà) Tel. 973 62 40 36 · Fax 973 62 40 36

Exposició permanent: Els tres móns del Parc: la roca, l’aigua i la vida

Serveis: Serveis tècnics, itineraris guiats, passis d’audiovisuals en diferents idiomes


Estiu: (1/07 al 31/08), de 9 a 14 h i de 15.30 a 17.45 h Hivern: (1/09 al 30/06), de 9 a 14 h i de 15.30 a 17.45 h Diumenges i festius tancat per la tarda Tancat els dies 1 i 6 de gener i 25 i 26 de desembre


Centre d’informació de Llessui

Ecomuseu dels Pastors de la Vall d’Àssua Antigues escoles, s/n · 25567 Llessui (Pallars Sobirà) Tel. 973 62 17 98 · Fax 973 62 18 03

Exposició permanent: L’ofici i la vida dels pastors a la Vall d’Àssua

Serveis: Visites guiades a l’exposició, itineraris guiats


Estiu: (1/07 al 31/08), de 9 a 14 h i de 15.30 a 17.45 h Hivern: (1/09 al 30/06), de 9 a 14 h i de 15.30 a 17.45 h Diumenges i festius tancat per la tarda Tancat els dies 1 i 6 de gener i 25 i 26 de desembre


Centre d’informació de Senet

La Serradora · C/ del Port, 10 · 25553 Senet (Alta Ribagorça) Tel. 973 69 82 32 · Fax 973 69 82 29

Exposició permanent:  Els animals i els éssers humans: de la competència a la convivència

Serveis:  Visites guiades a l’exposició, itineraris guiats


Estiu: (1/07 al 31/08), de 9 a 14 h i de 15.30 a 17.45 h Hivern: (1/09 al 30/06), de 9 a 14 h i de 15.30 a 17.45 h Diumenges i festius tancat per la tarda Tancat els dies 1 i 6 de gener i 25 i 26 de desembre.


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The best Routes, trekkings and itineraries of Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici

These are sad routes and itineraries for us, so you can enjoy the best places and the best observation of fauna and flora of the Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici National Park

These are sad routes and itineraries for us, so you can enjoy the best places and the best observation of fauna and flora of the Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici National Park

See, observe and enjoy the most emblematic and important species of Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici National Park

The National Parks are the great refuge of many species in danger of extinction. In these protected areas we can ensure a future for the fauna and flora of the world.

Here you will find a guide and some itineraries that will allow you to enjoy the Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici National Park and, at the same time, discover these species, enjoy them and take care to protect them.

The best Hotels in the Aigüestortes and Lake Sant Maurici and Campings, lodges and much more accommodations around the National Park

These are the accommodations most recommended by us. Our experience tells us that good accommodation makes it easier to visit National Parks and Nature Reserves.

Lorem ipsum dolor ist amte, consectetuer adipiscing eilt. Aenean commodo ligula egget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quak felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quid, sem.

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