Parcs Nacionals del Món
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La bellesa i la importància dels nostres Parcs Nacionals
La bellesa i la importància dels nostres Parcs Nacionals
La gran majoria dels països del món, assessorats per la UICN (Unió Internacional per a la Conservació de la Natura) de les Nacions Unides (ONU) han animat els països a protegir grans àrees dels seus llocs naturals més importants pel que fa a la biodiversitat i els hàbitats naturals.
Protegir els grans espais naturals no només és beneficiós per a les espècies presents i els seus hàbitats únics, sinó que també es converteix en una gran escola de la natura i un patrimoni natural per descobrir i explorar en les vostres sortides curtes o de vacances.
El llegat dels parcs nacionals: preservar els contes atemporals de la natura
Parcs Nacionals del Món
FAQs sobre Parcs Nacionals
Aquí trobareu diferents informacions relacionades amb els Parcs Nacionals del món
What is a National Park?
Definition of national parks according to the UN
According to the United Nations, at the 10th IUCN General Assembly meeting in New Delhi in November 1969, it made a recommendation to the governments of the states and countries of the world to agree to reserve the term “National Park” for areas of wild territory that respond to different characteristics and to ensure that their local authorities and organizations that want to promote and preserve these natural spaces act in the same way.
How many National Parks are there in the world?
According to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) of the United Nations, there are currently more than 6,000 national parks declared around the world.
Australia has the most national parks by far, with around 600 national parks, followed by Thailand with around 147, and India with 95.
In this World Nature portal you will get information on how to go and enjoy most of the World’s National Parks
How can I visit and enjoy a National Park?
It is very important to understand that visiting a National Park is like visiting a sanctuary, a museum, full of works of art that must not be disturbed and preserved.
Therefore, enter a National Park with respect and reverence. Do not leave the paths, trails, itineraries and routes that are marked.
Respect animals, plants and geological forms and landscapes.
Don’t damage them and don’t dirty them. Take away the trash you can generate and try to leave it cleaner and more cared for than when you visited it.
How can I help conserve and protect National Parks?
One of the best ways to conserve National Parks is to visit and learn about them. Also publicize the importance of protecting these large natural areas, their species and habitats.
You can take part in volunteer actions that many management teams of the National Parks offer to the public.
And the best way is to become an “Ambassador for Nature” of World Nature and participate in the work we do to preserve National Parks and Nature in general on our Planet.