Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The person responsible is the WORLD NATURE FOUNDATION (from now on “WORLD NATURE”) with address at Carrer del Canó, 8-10 entresòl 1a. 08012 Barcelona – Spain.

For any doubt or query about any aspect of privacy you can contact us at: our postal address or at the email address

How did we obtain personal data?

Your personal data have been obtained through the previous relationships you have had with WORLD NATURE, or because of the relationships you currently have with our organization, either because of your status as a member, for having been a donor, having participated in one of our campaigns, being or having been a volunteer, activist or collaborator or for having requested that we send you promotional information about our actions, activities, campaigns and initiatives.

It is also possible that a third party has given us the data. As a general rule, we only process the data provided by the data holders, but in certain cases we receive data from third parties. In the event that you provide us with data from third parties of which you are not the owner, you must inform and request their consent from these persons in advance, exempting yourself from any responsibility for non-compliance with this requirement.

What personal data do we process?

Depending on the nature of our relationship with you, we will process data to a greater or lesser extent, and these are necessary, adequate and relevant in any case, in accordance with the purpose pursued.

According to what we have explained above, we can process the following data:

  • First name
  • Surnames
  • Identity card
  • e-mail
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • sex
  • preferred language
  • Postal address
  • Financial contribution
  • Profession (Information you have provided us for volunteering).
  • Own image*
    *In some cases we will request your express consent for the use of your image, but, on other occasions, as the realization of events and/or activities that are recorded and/or photographed to promote our activity on RRSS and this website, it is logistically not possible to request consent from all attendees, so we inform you that if you do not want to appear in our audiovisual content, please let us know directly.

In any case, your image will appear as an accessory, in general plans, applying the technical and organizational security measures at our disposal to protect your privacy.

If you have viewed an image in which your person appears, and you do not wish to continue appearing, contact us at the email address and we will attend to your request in the shortest possible time. Likewise, at the event you can express your opposition to WORLD NATURE staff and we will do everything possible to ensure that your image is not published.

If you are a volunteer and actively participate with us, we will process your negative sex offense certificate in compliance with applicable volunteering law.

We also inform you that we will process those additional data that you voluntarily provide to us during future relationships and interactions that you maintain with WORLD NATURE, including those that you provide to us through a social network or other application. This data depends on your own privacy settings, use of the social network or application, as well as the privacy policies of each social network or application, so we recommend that you read them carefully before providing them to us data through these social networks or applications.

In addition, when you browse our website, we can process your IP, which operating system or browser you use, and even the duration of your visit, but always anonymously, in order to carry out analyzes and improvements to the Web, as well as to improve our commercial strategy.

Why do we process your personal data?

In order to fulfill our founding goals, solving global environmental problems and promoting solutions necessary to have a green and peaceful future, we process your data depending on whether you are a partner, donor, volunteer, collaborator, cyber activist… with the following purposes:

Send information about WORLD NATURE that may be of interest to you via SMS, telephone, postal mail, e-mail, based on your consent or our relationship with you. In the event that our relationship with you ends, we will notify you that we want to continue sending you information, and we will do so unless you state otherwise.
Respond to requested information requests.
Promote and manage the WORLD NATURE-MEMBER relationship, including financial collaboration through the collection of fees.
Promote active participation through signing campaigns or petitions and keep you informed about the same or other initiatives of a similar nature.
Encourage collaboration in WORLD NATURE through the volunteer network.
Coordinate participation in activities organized by or for the volunteer network of WORLD NATURE.
Invite to acts or events organized by WORLD NATURE.
Carrying out satisfaction surveys.
Basic profiling activities, based on the information you have directly provided us, and intended to ensure the appropriate management of the previous activities.

When we are legitimated either by the relationship we maintain with you or because you have given us your consent, sending, even by electronic means, promotional communications about activities, campaigns and initiatives of a similar nature to those you have participated in previously*
*You can always object to receiving promotional communications from WORLD NATURE. You can do it at any time in one of the following ways:
– by sending an email to
– by sending a request to the postal address of WORLD NATURE.
– through the unsubscribe link available at the bottom of each of the communications you receive.
– if you are a Member, managing your communication preferences in your MEMBER area.

In particular, if you volunteer and actively participate with us:

Administrative management of the data of the volunteers who collaborate at WORLD NATURE.

Transfer of data to insurance companies, for the management of accident and disease risk insurance to comply with the provisions of Law 45/2015, of 14 October, on Volunteering.
Comply with Law 26/2015 on the Legal Protection of Minors, in case the activity to be carried out involves the relationship with minors (treatment of the negative certificate of sexual crimes).

For what reason can we process personal data?
The legitimate basis for data processing varies depending on the type of relationship you have with WORLD NATURE.

When the processing of your data is related to the maintenance of your relationship with WORLD NATURE as a partner, donor, activist, volunteer, collaborator, cyber activist, or other forms of active participation, the processing is legitimated to be necessary for comply with the contractual obligations derived from said relationship, and in some cases due to a legal obligation.

Regarding the sending of promotional information about activities, campaigns or initiatives of WORLD NATURE, the processing may be based either on our legitimate interest in the relationship maintained with you (member status, signatory, active participation in related campaigns …), well in your express consent.

When and for what reason can we provide data to third parties?
We will never sell, rent or give away your personal data, but it may be provided to the recipients listed below for the reasons explained below:

Public Administrations: for compliance with the legal obligations to which WORLD NATURE is subject due to its activity.
Recipients of petitions and campaigns: When you sign a petition or participate with your data in an action, the recipient of the campaign receives from Greenpeace the essential data to fulfill the obligations arising from these campaigns, which may be: name, surname, ID , postal code and email. WORLD NATURE will inform you about the recipients of each campaign.

Suppliers who need access to your data for the provision of services that WORLD NATURE has contracted with these suppliers, and with whom WORLD NATURE has signed confidentiality and personal data processing contracts necessary and required by regulations to protect nor privacy.

Those transfers to third parties that are necessary for the organization or coordination of the campaigns, activities and initiatives in which you voluntarily participate.

In the case of volunteers, to insurance companies, for the management of accident and disease risk insurance to comply with what is established in Law 45/2015, of October 14, on Volunteering.

If in the future WORLD NATURE makes other transfers of personal data, it will inform you in a timely manner and, if necessary, request your consent.

Do we perform international data transfers?
WORLD NATURE has contracted the services of technology providers located mostly in the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Certain non-EEA countries are recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of data protection in accordance with EEA rules, and the full list of these countries can be found here.

For transfers from the EEA to countries not considered appropriate by the European Commission, WORLD NATURE enters into contracts, guarantees and safeguards necessary to preserve your privacy.

With regard to the use of Google Analytics cookies, by activating the cookie banner the user gives their express consent to the possible carrying out of international data transfers to the United States.

For more information about your privacy safeguards, you can contact WORLD NATURE via or via the above postal addresses.

How long will we keep your data?
Your personal data will be retained for as long as your relationship with WORLD NATURE is maintained, and even after the termination of said relationship for any reason during the applicable statutory limitation periods, unless you notify us otherwise. In this case, they will be processed for the purpose of verifying compliance with our legal and/or contractual obligations. We will keep your personal information for the time necessary or permitted in relation to the purposes for which it was obtained. The criteria used to determine retention periods include our legal obligations, statistical needs or whether or not retention is advisable based on our legal position.

If you are under 18 years old
If you are a minor and use one of our websites or participate in one of our campaigns, please do not send us any personal data about you or your family without prior authorization from your parents or guardians. If they agree, you will be able to participate in our campaigns and activities in the manner indicated in each case. Ask your parents or guardians to contact us at if you have any questions.

What are your rights?
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and/or opposition to treatment, through the postal and electronic addresses indicated. This means you have the right to:

That is, whether we are processing your data or not.
To access your personal data.
To request the rectification of your data if they are inaccurate.
To request the deletion of your data if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if you withdraw the consent granted.
To request the limitation of the processing of your data, in some cases, in which case we will only keep them in accordance with current regulations.
To send you the data we hold about you at WORLD NATURE in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format.
To revoke consent for any treatment for which you have consented, at any time.

Also, if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the regulations or your privacy rights, you can submit a claim:

For more information about the guarantees to your privacy, you can contact WORLD NATURE through or via the postal address above.

Before the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through its electronic headquarters, or its postal address.



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